Whale Watch

Join us on our 41’ Catamaran Pau Hana as we search for some of the 12,000 North Pacific Humpback Whales that visit Hawai’i every Winter.
Captain Jason has been running whale watches for nearly a decade in both Hawai’i and Alaska. He is also in regular contact with many of the other captains in Waikiki discussing the location of both whales and dolphins. We don’t offer a whale guarantee, but if they are anywhere in the area, we will find them. Of course, we will keep our eyes peeled for spinner dolphins, green sea turtles and even Hawaiian monk seals along the way.
Winter weather offers lighter winds and calmer seas than the Summer. Hang out in the nets or sit in the bow seats as we cruise along looking for wildlife. Sometimes we know where the whales are when we leave the harbor and we find them right away. Every once in a while, we will go a whole day without finding whales, but generally 2 - 3 hours is adequate to find whales. If we get a good viewing early, we can go for a sail or anchor up and go for a swim. As always, we will give guidance, but the itinerary is up to you.
We provide a Kama’aina discount.
Recommended list of things to bring:
Snacks and beverages (cooler full of ice and filtered water provided)
Phone or camera with a telephoto lens
Whales can be found any time of day. Come out for sunset and search for whales as the sun goes down, or come out in the morning and maybe find some more wildlife along the way.